

JSPM is a learned society that supports scientific and technological inquiries and innovations in the field of the powder and powder metallurgy.

We were founded in May 1958 and currently have more than 1,100 regular members and more than 120 student members.

We hold annual meetings twice a year covering the complete field of powder and powder metallurgy, each with 200 presentations and 500 participants generally. Tutorial short courses and also lecture meetings on today's and tomorrow's challenges are also held regularly. Experimental studies on the development of technical skills are conducted on request.

We publish a scholarly journal entitled "Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy"[Funtai oyobi Funmatsu Yakin] every month of each year as well as scientific and technological books occasionally.

We award excellent scientific and technological achievements and also services, which are divided into nine categories in the field of the Powder and Powder Metallurgy. We are closely collaborating with Japan Powder Metallurgy Association as the most appropriate industrial counter-association.

We have academic connections and tie up with various domestic and foreign academic groups.
